jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

GUÍA: HERRAMIENTAS PARA LA TRANSICIÓN. Una guía para ayudar a las familias en el viaje de la adolescencia a la edad adulta.AUTISM SPEAKS.

113 Votes

LIBRO - GUÍA: [JUEGO DE] HERRAMIENTAS PARA LA TRANSICIÓN. Una guía para ayudar a las familias en el viaje de la adolescencia a la edad adulta. Publicado por Autism Speaks. En inglés...

Transition Tool Kit - A guide to assist families on the journey from adolescence to adulthood - 1,429 Mb.


The Transition Tool Kit was edited by Robin Morris and the Family Services team at Autism Speaks.

Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit

Table of Contents



o Where Do I Start?

o What is Self-Advocacy?

o When Do I Begin to Teach Self-Advocacy Skills?

o How Do I Teach Self-Advocacy Skills?

o Self-Advocacy and the Transition Process

Why do we need a Transition Plan?

o Transition Planning and the Individual Education Program

o What are My Child’s Rights and How Do They Change When He/She Leaves the School System?

o Getting Started

o How Do We Create and Implement A Transition Plan?

Community Living

o Picking the Right Activities

o Social Skills in the Community and the Workplace

o Travel Training

o Safety

Employment and Other Options

o Preparation

o Career Exploration

o What Types of Employment are there?

o Job Matching and Searching

o Options other than Employment

Post-Secondary Educational Opportunities

o Types of Post Secondary Education

o 504 Plans

o Differences between High School and College

o Preparing for College While still in High School

o Choosing the Right School

o Key Skills, Common Issues and Concerns


o What Are the Options for Housing and How Do I Find Them?

o Types of Housing

o Funding Options

o Some Questions to Ask

Legal Matters to Consider

o What is Long-Term Planning?

o Health Insurance

o Guardianship

o Special Needs Trusts

o Support Programs

o Letter of Intent


o Physical Health

o Female Health

o Mental Health

o Sexuality

o Advice for Parents

Internet and Technology

o Internet Safety

o Social Networking

o Technology

Getting Organized

o Getting Started

o Forms



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