
domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

CONFERENCIA DE M. J. CARLEY, DE GRASP: "La tragicómica ideología del mundo del autismo y el asperger"

Ilustración del universo tragicómico de los TEA - Asperger, sacada de la presentación de Carley

Para los padres y madres, manifiesto de una persona autista, Jim Sinclair: DON’T MOURN FOR US

CONFERENCIA DE M. J. CARLEY, DE GRASP: La tragicómica ideología del mundo del autismo y el asperger.
Enlace enviado por GRASP al foro de Asociación Asperger Andalucía :


GRASP: The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership

Índice en español: http://www.grasp.org/spanish/index.htm

GRASP es una organización única, aparte de su red de apoyo ya de cuatro años, por su trabajo en el campo de la educación de la comunidad y en su propósito de diseminación de información relacionada con el spectrum autístico. Además de eso se destaca en que sus términos operacionales especifiquen que el director ejecutivo, 100% de su panel de consejeros y 50% de su junta de directores deben haber sido diagnosticados con autismo, síndrome de Asperger, o desorden de desarrollo persistente sin otra especificación (PDD-NOS).

Vídeo de aproximadamente 81 minutos, fecha 12 de abril de 2011. Lugar: Columbia University Center for Bioethics. Ponente: Michael John Carley, Director Ejecutivo de GRASP, persona con S. Asperger; Master en Bellas Artes (Master of Fine Arts - MFA). Lea aquí (en inglés) más información sobre Michael John Carley.

The Comic/Tragic Politics of the Autism / Asperger World: Columbia University Lecture (La comitrágica ideología del mundo del autismo y el asperger).

Complete video (approximately 81 minutes long) from April 12, 2011. The event was for Columbia University Center for Bioethics' 9th Anniversary Herbert G. Cohen, MD, DOS Memorial Lecture in Neuroscience. Joining past honorees/lecturers such as Oliver Saks, M.D. Michael John Carley was asked to speak on the political history of the controversies surrounding the autism/Asperger world.

To download the powerpoint slides used in the presentation and follow along, click here. Topics covered are (1) the history of the negative stigma surrounding autism and Asperger's Syndrome (AS), (2) 1993 and up: "The real arguments begin," (3) Who the players are, (4) The issues broken down: [a] The "cure" debate, [b] the vaccine debate, [c] educational and behavioral strategies, as well as aversives, [d] Conflicting messages, and [e] Research: What kind do we want?, (5) Changes forthcoming in the DSM-V, (6) Myths dispelled, (7) Context, and (8) Closing perspectives.



The powerpoint slides used in the presentation are available as a pdf download on GRASP's website (http://www.grasp.org/videocolumbia.htm).



Algunas aclaraciones para la presentación en powerpoint de Michael John Carley:

DIAPOSITIVA Nº 20: 1993-Don’t Mourn for Us (“manifiesto” de Jim Sinclair)

http://www.autreat.com/dont_mourn.html EN ESPAÑOL: http://www.autreat.com/no_sufran.html



DIAPOSITIVA Nº 26: 2007 CDC numbers


Autism Statistics Overview

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) collects statistical data on the prevalence ofautism among American children. The statistics include details such as the following:

· Rate of children born with autism

· The ratio of girls and boys affected

· Number of affected children in each state

· How the condition compares to other developmental disabilities

· Economic impact of autism

The statistics are periodically updated to stay current. The data is useful to help the CDC evaluate current autism research and search for more information on potential causes of autism.

2007 Statistics

The 2007 CDC statistics for American children with autism includes the following:

· One in 150 American children is born with autism spectrum disorder.

· One in 75 American children who have siblings diagnosed on the spectrum are diagnosed as well.

· A ratio of 4 boys to 1 girl develops autism. In fact, 1 in 98 boys are diagnosed with autism.

· 1 to 1.5 million Americans has autism.

· 24,000 people are diagnosed with autism for the first time every year in the USA.

· Total annual autism expenses impacts the U.S. economy with a cost of $90 billion dollars. This cost is expected to double to $200 to $400 billion by the end of the next decade.

· 3.4 out of 1,000 children have autism. This rate is lower than the amount of children diagnosed with mental retardation but higher than the rate of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, vision problems or hearing loss.

2007 CDC Report

In 2007, the CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network released a reportthat provided important information on the prevalence of autism.Six different ADDM sites collected autism data in communities across the country from medical and school records. The project sought to describe how many children are affected with pervasive developmental disorders, compare groups of affected children in different geographic areas and search for information on potential causes of autism.

The report determined that autism occurred in 6.7 per 1,000 8-year-old children in 2000 and in 6.6 per 1,000 8-year-old children in 2002 in various locations in the USA. These numbers mean that 1 in 150 8-year-old children have autism throughout the USA.


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